Tools for Skin

2 minute read

Do you use any tools in your skin prep?

I wanted to start off this series of blog posts i’ll be doing to the most important factor for any makeup application; skin! Great skin= beautiful makeup. Properly investing into skincare and committing to a routine allows you to look your best both in and out of makeup.

As we move into the colder seasons, we all know we need to give our skin some extra love and care as it starts to lack moisture. One tool I have in my kit for clients and a personal set for myself is a rose quartz facial roller and gua sha. These are age old tools originating from traditional Chinese medicinal methods that provide two main benefits. One being that it can increase the blood circulation in your face, which enhances the penetration of the applied skin products, allowing it to seep deeper into the epidermis.  The second being lymphatic drainage. This removes toxins from excess lymphatic fluid – resulting in a smoother appearance.

I like to use The Ordinary- Rosehip Oil (£9.00). This oil is great for all skin types as it is dry oil, so it absorbs into the skin nicely and doesn’t sit on the surface. Then I use the gua sha, followed by the roller Pure Skin Lab (£21.99) and roll outwards from the centre of the face towards the lymphatic drainage points, then use a moisturiser.  Also, leaving it in the fridge allows the stone to be cool while rolling and even more relaxing – this is a great addition to use during your Skincare Saturday full skin routine.

- Paula

John 3:16

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